Tip of the Day: Make a Memory Usage Script

    Here's a simple memory usage script made in Bash, which will use the parsed output of free -tom utility. First, here is what the -tom argument stands for:

    -t displays a line containing the total amount of memory (physical memory + swap)
    -o disables the display of a buffer line
    -m displays sizes in MB

    Here goes the script, which outputs the total, used and free memory:


    # total memory
    memt=$(free -tom | grep "Total:" | awk '{print $2}')
    # used memory
    memu=$(free -tom | grep "Total:" | awk '{print $3}')
    # free memory
    memf=$(free -tom | grep "Total:" | awk '{print $4}')
    echo "Total memory: $memt MB"
    echo "Used memory: $memu MB"
    echo "Free memory: $memf MB"

    You can put this in a file of your choice, say memory.sh, make it executable (chmod 755 memory.sh), put it inside ~/bin (or a directory of your choice) and then include that directory in your $PATH, so you'll be able to run the script just by typing memory.sh.
    Source URL: http://ashesgarrett.blogspot.com/2009/06/tip-of-day-make-memory-usage-script.html
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