Before you buy an auto, know your credit score. This will help you determine what type of interest rate you will pay. A score over 700 will get you the best rate. A score from 650-700 is still good, but under 650 will start to increase the interest rate you will pay. The Equifax link on this post will give you an idea of what your credit is and what items you can pay off to make it better. Most customers do not know the items on their credit report. Don't make this mistake! Always check your credit at least every 6 months to make sure all items on your credit are yours.
The Credit Crunch has made Car Buyers more aware of keeping their Equifax score at its best, especially since many lenders are only using Equifax Credit Scores. Another problem many customers are having is the highest white collar crime ever committed, Identity Theft! Get Equifax Score Watch Now!
and avoid this costly and long term problem. It is almost impossible to get items removed from your Credit Report, even though they may be from Identity Theft.Source URL:
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The Credit Crunch has made Car Buyers more aware of keeping their Equifax score at its best, especially since many lenders are only using Equifax Credit Scores. Another problem many customers are having is the highest white collar crime ever committed, Identity Theft! Get Equifax Score Watch Now!
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