Positive Credit Reports is the most important thing a person can have and should be monitored just like you monitor your Bank Account. Everyone needs to rely on their good Credit at one point in their life whether it is to buy a Car, House, or just borrow some Money. Get Equifax Credit Watch Gold 3-in-1 Now!
I will tell you a story about Identity Theft that is a true story in the car industry. A customer came in to buy a car and had perfect credit. They negotiated the price, left to shop elsewhere, and then came back the following day to finalize the deal. They had all the identification to buy the car and Awesome Credit. They purchased the car. We were contacted about 1 month later that there was a Identity Theft ring going around and this suspected person had purchased 24 Cars in the surrounding areas along with ours. They had fake Id's and used someones good credit rating to purchase multiple cars, and numerous Credit Cards, and many store Credit Cards. The person who had their Identity stolen is probably still trying to get everything cleared up on their Credit. It is almost impossible and takes many months if not years to correct.
3-Bureau Credit Monitoring alerts you to changes on all 3 of your credit reports! Get a free 7-day trial plus credit report & score!
Equifax, Experian, and Trans Union are the 3 Credit Bureaus that are available, but which is used most. I know in the car industry, Equifax is the most used bureau by lenders. Not to say they do not pull the other 2, but Equifax is the main source. You can have information on 1 bureau and not the other 2 which makes your score high on one and low on the other two. This is why it is so important to get a copy of your Credit Report to see what is on it and correct any descrepencies.Source URL: https://ashesgarrett.blogspot.com/2009/10/free-credit-report-free-trial-monitor-3.html
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