If you know you do not have the best of credit, there are a few things to remember. Do not go with the intention of buying the most expensive car. Realize that you have to start somewhere, get an affordable car and work your way up, after re-establishing your credit. When you are serious about buying a car, take a few things that will ensure there are no mistakes in your approval process. Take a check stub so that the correct income will be used. I have been told on many occasions that someone makes $40,000 a year, gets approved, and the check stub verifies $22000 a year. Save yourself some time, bring a check stub with you. Also, bring a phone bill, electric bill, for proof of residence. Have at least 7 references with names, phone #s, and addresses. Have proof of insurance, drivers license, and discharge letters for those who may have filed bankruptcy, title to trade, etc. If you have your proper documentation up front, there is a very good chance you will get approved and be riding the same day.Source URL: https://ashesgarrett.blogspot.com/2006/07/bad-credit-car-tips.html
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