Tips To Improve Your Credit Score

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    If you have ever been to buy a car and the salesman told you he could not get you financed, you would want advice to improve your credit score. The #1 way to improve your credit score is to keep your credit card debt to a minimum. If you have a $500 credit limit on your card, keep your balance at $249 or less. If you go over half of your credit limit, you will not receive maximum points on your credit score. Get a copy of your credit report and analyze ways to improve your score. There may be items on there from years back that you already forgot about. If there is an old debt, contact that company and see about a settlement to get it off your report. If there are errors on your report, contact the credit bureau and dispute these items. The main thing is always be aware what is on your credit and take a proactive approach to keeping it clean.Source URL:
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